Trilift™ by Lumenis

What is TriLift™?

triLift™, the revolutionary facial treatment that combines muscle stimulation, skin tightening, and increased volume into one powerful session. By utilizing advanced techniques, triLift™ stimulates the body’s natural rejuvenation process, improving the structure, contour, and texture of your face.

triLift is a comprehensive system that incorporates three cutting-edge technologies: TriPollar Radio Frequency, Dynamic Muscle Stimulation (DMSt), and Ultrathin RF Microneedling. This unique combination addresses the visible signs of aging in both the muscles and the skin, allowing you to achieve a rejuvenated, lifted, and youthful appearance – all in just one treatment.


Radio frequency energy causes constriction and tightening of the skin by heating the underlying layers of skin. It thickens and strengthens the dermal layer by regenerating collagen and elastin to treat facial wrinkles.


Our facial muscles naturally lose strength and firmness as we grow older. But now, with triLift Dynamic Muscle Stimulation (DMSt), you can safely and effectively enhance your muscle tone and lift your features.

By harnessing the power of electrical stimulation, DMSt activates your facial muscles, causing them to contract and expand. This specific muscle targeting helps combat the signs of aging where they truly originate – in the muscles themselves. Say goodbye to sagging skin and hello to a rejuvenated look, without the need for surgery, injections, or downtime.


As we get older, our skin tends to become thinner. However, there is a solution to restore its youthful texture and volume: triLift Ultrathin RF Microneedling. This treatment effectively tightens and smooths the skin, providing natural-looking results without the need for numbing.


Fight Signs of Aging

Tone Your Muscles

Our facial muscles sag and weaken as we age. Activate the muscles for a toned, well-defined, and lifted look.


Regain the Triangle of Youth

Stubborn wrinkles? Sagging jawline? Drooping cheeks? With triLift, recoup the youthful triangular shape of your face.

The Natural Solution

triLift accomplishes a face lift-like effect, without injections or surgery, by addressing the skin, volume, and muscles in one treatment. 

A Face Lift-Like Effect with

No Injections, Surgery, or Downtime



A non-invasive alternative to face lifts and brow lifts! A pain-free treatment process that utilizes external applicators with electrodes and temperature sensors. Experience the transformative effects without the need for surgery.

Little To No Discomfort

The use of non-invasive treatments ensures that patients experience minimal discomfort and a fast recovery period.

Advanced Technology

The first-ever tool to utilize Dynamic Muscle Stimulation. Proven effective in various medical fields for muscle stabilization and pain relief, DMSt now offers a groundbreaking way to enhance facial structure and tone muscles from the inside out.

Effective Results

Experience an 80 percent improvement in facial smoothness, 30 percent reduction in wrinkles, and a remarkable triple boost in natural hyaluronic acid production. With immediate results that only get better with each treatment session, get ready to uncover a more youthful and rejuvenated you!


triLift activates the natural regeneration processes to tone the muscles for a lifted and youthful look. The effect is an immediately visible face lift-like effect that is safe, pleasant, and quick.

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